Fencing and Planting, 2023-2024


Restoration work is happening around Lake Washington Blvd and at the Lakewood Sanctuary!

Crews from Seattle Park’s Green Seattle Partnership have been removing non-native blackberry and then planting native species as part of the lake’s shoreline restoration.  The Natural Area Crew (NAC)  fenced these sites in July, and fencing will stay up for the next few years to help plants get established.

The Lakewood Sanctuary was already fenced, but in the 2023-24 planting season, NAC installed 729 more plants, including:

*79 trees

*77 shrubs

*554 forbs (herbaceous flowering plants) and graminoids (grasses and sedges)

That’s a lot of plants! According to Seattle Parks and Recreation, the crews have spent 288 hours doing weed control, fence repair, herbicide application and watering, as well as planting.

Work also included installing special barriers to keep beavers from chomping on trees and new plants.

The community is appreciative of all these efforts.